Thursday, November 30, 2006
the thing is

      So here's the thing I've realized. I want to say something to him everytime I talk to him. But I know I've said it all before and there is no use saying it again. So I don't talk about it. It hurts right now, but eventually it will hurt less. He likes somebody else. But then again, so did I. It's really pointless to be involved with anybody else for me. I just compare everyone to him. I know it's not gonna work out right from the beginning. I don't like doing things when I know they're pointless. So just takin' it day by day here. Trying to make the right choices. Sometimes they are really hard to make. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really getting anywhere at all. I hate winter, officially. Snowboarding doesn't even make up for how much I hate it. I think I'm going to go talk to someone about it.

      The mountain opened today. Sorta wanna go up soonish. Not loving the snow too much right now though. I don't like the grey skies, the way I never see any sunshine. It's bright out today, but it's this empty white kind of bright. I don't really feel motivated to do anything. Shaw called this morning and I got an interview at one on Monday. Should learn some computer stuff before I go to that. Hopefully i get a job there, it would be nice to be away from Domino's for a while. As much as I love it... it would be good for me to be away. My tattoo appointment is tomorrow. Black lining and coloring. Hopefully we can get into the coloring, provided I don't pussy out this time. I was sick last time. Fucking dammit. I fucking hate how I can't make decisions. I am so fucking angry or sad or whatever all the fucking time now. I can't stand it anymore.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

      PS. Anyone who is fluent in css/html, what the fuck is wrong with my blog. Is everyone seeing it-- most of my posts are all bold and my archives is eating my posts. I can't figure it out.

it's not the

      What do you do when you don't know what you want. By default only, because, well, you do know what you want, but you can't have it. If you're told, don't ever settle, you're better than that. What do you do then? These are confusing times. These little things, those little words, and stupid songs, and work, and everything. I should stop talking. I told myself I wasn't going to write about it anymore. Tough though. Nothing else really... I guess.

      I don't really feel like writing about anything else, but I will. It snowed a few days ago. It hasn't stopped since. I hate it. I hate going out and getting wet and being cold. Snow should be reserved for the mountain only. Which opens in like two days. Writing about this is tiresome and pointless. Why oh why does it all seem pointless. The snow is driving me insane. I hate being stranded places. I get cabin fever here at home. I have to work, I have to pay for my tattoo on Friday. I should really save up some money. But Christmas is coming up, so that's not gonna happen. I wish I didn't want so much. I'd give it all up. Looking for someting that makes me happy. And I'm rambling. Haha, this isn't gonna make any sense.

      Me and Janelle shovelled out my entire street to get her to work on Sunday morning. It was hard work. It took us two hours and fifteen minutes. I was so super exhausted when we were done, I'd actually made myself sick. Spent the rest of the day sleeping basically, and generally not feeling too good. Saw Phil for a bit. I don't understand him, but I stand firmly by my decision. I spent the rest of the day with Josh, on his couch, missing work, being sick. Went to bed at my house, woke up at eleven to call ICBC, got upstairs and totally blacked out. I hate that feeling right before you do. I swear it's the worst physical feeling ever. Ugh. So gross. I was dripping sweat. My roadtest got moved to January eleventh. I'm never gonna be a paramedic at the rate I'm going. Then I slept til five, dug my car out again and went to work, where I was like so weak that I couldn't do the simplest things.

      Man, I am so sick. Like... just entirely. Don't know whether I want to chalk it up to one thing or not. Maybe. I'm just never hungry, always tired, always.. not weighing a whole lot, and it's gross, like I look so dumb. No no, being this skinny is not a good thing. Not when your friends are noticing. And then I think about erasing all this paragraph. I'm not looking for attention or anything, maybe I just want to say - I know - don't worry, I've noticed too. I know something's wrong.

      It's like. Man, what am I holding onto here. Like you've got this thing that's like your rock, and then it's gone. Then I don't know, you've always got yourself, and then your body starts falling apart, and you're grasping, trying to hold onto things, and they aren't the right things. Where do you go to then? Where do you start from? Rock bottom is not a cool place to be, but I appear to be throwing myself in that direction. I just don't understand so many things about life. It's so frustrating. I spill my every thought to complete strangers. Why?

      The best and worst year of my life. This time with more knowlage, but still not enough. I wish I had the answers. Actually, for the most part, somewhere inside of me, I already do, just right now, they aren't the ones I want. But since I can't have what I want, maybe I'll have to face up to that too. Life isn't going back to normal. I'm fairly sure of that, but right now it's all I want. I was bored, I wanted change, and I got it, didn't I? Why did I go and mess it all up. Haha, I know the answer. I remember asking for that one person that would stand up to me. Fuck. Be careful what you wish for, hey? And the strangers, they say I'm so wonderful, but they really don't know. I always laugh when they say that. My heart is seriously closed for business.

      In other news... I don't know how I feel about this blog thing anymore. I always wonder who's reading it. Do people go back and read old entries, like from years ago. Do I want people that I've just met to be able to know things that I woulnd't noramlly tell them. When I meet new people, I don't want to tell them everything I did when I was seventeen. It's embaressing. I don't know. I don't like what I'm doing. In the big picture, I suppose. I got the winter blues. Seriously. I felt like I should have been in the hospital today. I want to erase everything. I want to go back to... last winter. Too bad. Now I'm stuck here, and I gotta make the best of it... and I'm not. Every winter, every winter I go through this. Why do I still have this stupid fucking glimmer of hope that everything is just gonna work out the way I want it to.
music. at arms length - open, parachute!