Sunday, July 30, 2006
welcome home

      Okay, so tonight I had to pick up Alyssa from the Victoria airport at eleven. We drove back to Nanaimo, and got a call saying that Janelle, Erin, et all, were at 70below, so we decided to go there just to make an appearance and because I am in love with Erin. Anyways, we're driving up Front street, and I see a whole bunch of cops talking to a group of people and I think that I can see Josh and Chris, but I don't think much of it at the time.

      So I ran into Jordon Terris and Derek, both of whom I am in love with also. Hahaha, anyways so I said hey to them, and then we decided to go inverstigate the cop situation. Alyssa and I are walking over there, and all hell breaks loose? I hug Josh and then cops are coming after them, and Chris is runnning away screaming and very drunk, and I am so fucking confused as to what the hell is going on, and I've got about five people talking to me, and yeah, the next thing I know, Chris is being escorted in handcuffs to a cop car, and being told to shutup because he was talking shit to the cop.

      What I missed apparently, was the takedown on the grass, which was witnessed by... you guessed it, Janelle, Erin, et all. So I ran into them, and THEY start trying to explain to me what is going on. Then Josh's brothers are trying to get my attention and get me to take care of Josh, who is telling the cops to "take him too." So, yeah. I still really have no idea what's going on. All I can assume is that Chris was very drunk/high and really pissed off. So yeah, I guess I or someone else will be getting him from the copshop tomorrow.

      In other news, a certain confidante of mine who was in the Globe at the same time as Chris, said he was flirting with some girl and touching her, and they went outside and when they returned, my friend asked him if he had behaved himself, and he said, "no." So now, I'm sure I'll have people raggin' on me for picking the best goddamn time to get the fuckin kid's name tattooed on my back. All in all, a fucked up night. And now Josh is crashing at my place. And I love Henrey and Loren. And my mind is wondering who the fuck the girl in the "black and white striped shirt," with him was. Fucked up, Kids. Tasha out.
music. all the love in the world - nine inch nails

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
i so s-m-r-t.

      So, tattoos, anyone? Josh got tattooed by Damon on Friday. It looks amazing. It's a black and shaded angel with his neice's initial on his shoulder. I am very jealous, it looks soo good. So now Josh is tattooed and peirced (again, on his lip!) and he thinks he's sexy shit now. And he is. Umm, Chris is getting a rose early next month. And I got tattooed with some tiger lillies and a certain boy's name on my back. Stupid thing to do? Maybe. But it's done, and it's beautiful. But yeah, I don't know how all these girls get tattooed on their backs, because mine hurt so much that I was crying. That's a first.

      In other news, plans for Christopher's birthday are coming along nicely, I hope. Gotta wait for a couple of kids to get back to town. Um, I'm getting referred to a heart specialest in Victoria for my heart problem thing. But no one has called me about that yet. Also, Tigh-Na-Mara called me today and asked about my employment and now I have to fill out a questionaire about how they can be better employers. That'll be a gong show. Yes yes, I got my industrial pierced. It didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would. Probably the least painful after the eyebrow. Alyssa, come home soon, I miss you. Anyways I have to go because I am taking Josh out for lunch. (Secretly I just want French toast from MGM) Tasha out.
music. behind me lies another fallen soldier - as i lay dying

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
she's a maneater, make you work hard, make you sweat hard, make you want more of her love.

      So, yesterday I wore the heart monitor thing all day and it was a pain in the ass and I looked like a walking bomb. Suicide bomb Woodgrove? I have better things to do. So yeah, nothing really bad (heartwise) happened, which kind of sucks, because now they won't find anything. That thing was a bitch to take off.

      Jordan picked me up in his new Accord and we went to Errington to see Ky. Then we went to Coombs and ate grapes and saw the goats and wandered around. I got some little Japanese lantern things, which are pretty. Later that day, I went with Josh's family and Loren to Fast Eddies, where I got free ribs, which were tastey, but very filling. Then they went to the casino and then to the Globe were I met up with a very drunk Josh who went on and on about stripper's boobs in his face and such. Headed home after 70Below.

      This morning, I had to get up early AGAIN to drop of my heart monitor. Then I woke up Josh and we went and got his lip peirced. I had a tattoo appointment at two, but Dave had fucked off and didn't even get started until quarter past three. He drew something up, which I absolutely hated and yeah, that's as far as we got because he had another appointment at four, and Alyssa, Josh, and I had to leave for Victoria to drop of Alyssa, who is currently on route to Virginia. I will miss her, but she'll be back in two weeks. I got her the Post Secret book to read on the way there. When she gets back, we're doing "Alyssa and Tasha do N-City." A photoshoot by Christopher Hewitson.

      Speaking of Christopher. He now works two jobs. One all morning, one all evening, so I never see him, and that makes me upset, and being upset sometimes leads to crying, so all in all, I'm not a very happy camper today. To top it all off, I'm hungry, so I'm leaving to get food. Tasha out.
music. maneater - nelly furtado

Saturday, July 15, 2006
vida vida?

      So I pretty much hate my mom, but it's always been that way, she just found a new way to piss me off today. So I went to the doctors for my appointment today, and I'm expecting to hear that I'm going to need surgery or something bad like that. And he's like, "ok, so your test came back normal, and..." and so I was like what the hell, and he thinks it's super ventricular tacacardia which would mean that my heart is healthy but there is an electrical problem with my nervous system sending messages to my heart. Anyways so I have to wear this cardiogram thing for 24 hours starting at nine am on Monday. Should be fun. Taking care of drunk turning nineteen Josh.

      In other news, I fucking hate being yelled at and being made to feel like an idiot. There are two ways to tell someone to stop doing something. You could be not an asshole and say something like, "could you please stop that, it's bothering me." Or you could be a douchebag and say, "seriously, stop fucking quit doing that, you're not fucking funny," or something to that effect. When people decide to use the latter, it pisses me off, because I goof off a lot, and I don't need you trying to make yourself feel cool by making me feel like shit. Tasha out. Ps. Everyone can eat shit and die.
music. grillz?

Thursday, July 13, 2006
where are you gonna hide when the bombs fall?

      So pretty much I love Chris and that's how it is. So I'm gonna prove to him that I'm not a shitty girlfriend. Or rather that I can change so that I'm not a shitty girlfriend, and then just maybe he'll give me another chance. I hope he does because I'm no good in the patience department. But leave it to Chris to make me wait! I don't like hurting certain other people, but there's a few times that you have to consider your own happiness and what's best for you. Like when you date someone, you can't be thinking about someone else. Anyways.

      In other news. The doctor's office called my house today and spoke with my mother. They said that my ECG results came back and that they are abnormal. So I have to go in first thing tomorrow morning and see my doctor and get a portable ECG machine hooked up to me for 24 hours to moniter my heart rate. Apparently the doctor also specifically asked my mother to be there. This is for one of two reasons. Either he needs to ask about family history, or he is going to tell me something bad and needs me to have someone else there. So I'm bringing Chris because well, I hate it when my mother tries to get into my life after... you know, never being there. It pisses me off. Anyways, so not gonna lie, I'm pretty freaked out about tomorrow, but I will update with whatever I find out.
music. mezmerize - system of a down

Saturday, July 08, 2006
i hate getting home when it's light out.

      So pretty sure I just got home from workish, and it's like four in the morning, and I'm friggin' tired, but more hungry, so I'm staying up, eating KD with no milk, because my parents are gross and our milk expired half way through last month. My contacts are coming out. Bed is very inviting. But I will update you fine people first.

      Ummm, health stuff. Ok, so I was in the ER again the other day, with another "panic attack." I had an ECG done which measures your heart rythmn I guess. It was normal apparently. So they gave me a couple more Adiven and sent me home. Went to my doctor's appointment on Friday (today) He said it was unlikely it was panic attacks, but sounded more like some sort of offest of Parkinson's disease (that was the best way he could describe it to me) It was some long name with rythmic tacacardia in it, which basically means my fucked up heart is getting diagnosed and fixed. Hopefully. Anyways that sounds pretty scary, but he said it affects young women, and it's nothing something I should be too worried about, and it can be controlled with proper meds. So I went and got another ECG done and I have another doctor's appointment on Friday to see if that's what it is. If not, then I guess we keep looking.

      Boy business. Apparently I am someone's "fifth." Yes, I was snooping, but with good intentions. Anyways, sounds kinda freaky to me. Is someone out there sleeping with me without my knowledge, or does this number system pertain to something else? Chris and I got back together on a whim for one day and then I called it off because I definately could not do it. Pretty obvious. I suck at the whole relationship thing anyways. So I'm single and happy being so, and seriously am not getting into a relationship anytime soon. That would be so fucked up.

      Friend stuff. Today while at work, I went to a party at Brendan's house. It was insane. Alyssa and Brendan were drunk, so of course, they ended up being all over each other, and Brendan's ex was there, and let's just say that she is definately not over him. So, me, being the only sober one there, was trying to be the voice of reason, but nope, everyone was definately too drunk to be anything short of retarded about the whole thing. And there ended up being a bitch fight, which actually made me laugh, and yeah, most of it pissed me off though, and reminded me why I stopped drinking.

      Janelle and I went to the river the other day looking for Chris and Josh. Long story short. I thought they had died. They didn't. Anyways, on the drive back, we saw THREE VULTURES. How friggin' cool is that? Seriously. I didn't even know there were vultures here. I think vultures, I think the desert. Anyways, so were chowing down on this very dead half of a dear, so I got out to, of course, check out said dear and vultures and millions of flies, and then the vultures started circling me, so I got scared and got back in the car. I thought that was fun.

      On a last note, I think. I'm sick of everyone trying to define themselves in the most ridiculous ways. "This is what I am, here is my label, (because it's a cool, trendy label) I fit into a nice little description based on the clothes I wear, and the music I listen to. Let's stop trying to define ourselves, and just concentrate on being who we already are. So many youth today are so busy trying to be so "unique," that everyone is just looking the same. Some girl came up to me the other day and said to my face, completely seriously, "Oh my god, you're so cute and punky!" Why? Because I have black hair? I was wearing my Domino's uniform. That's all it takes kids. If you hair is black, you're punk! Cool! Fuck off. My other peev right now is people fucking judging others before judging themselves. Next time you want to say something derogatory about someone, look at yourself and think about the time when you did (most likely) the exact same thing. Either empathsize with the person and have a decent conversation about it, or shut the hell up.

      Funny last thing. There's this gorgeous two bedroom basement suite in the house of a family that used to go to my parent's church. It's only three hundred a month. When I heard this and inquired to a friend of the families, I was told I wouldn't be accpeted there because I wasn't "godly enough." Seriously. Not even kidding. Anyways, so I'm sure you can now see where today's rants came from. I like tattoos. I want more. Bedtime.
music. i started a joke - wallflowers

Monday, July 03, 2006
a bedroom isn't a bedroom without a fucking window

      I just thought that I would update everyone on my search for a basement suite/apartment. It sucks. I went and looked at the "suite" next to Alyssa this morning. I crawled out of bed at NINE in the morning, to look at this piece of shit. Let me describe. You go into the garage by a sidedoor. You are in a car garage, you go through another door. You are in the other half of the garage. You are in the suite. It's roughly a quarter the size of my room. It has the automatic garage door opener things on the ceiling. It has enough room for my bed maybe. There are no windows. NO WINDOWS! There is however a bathroom with no door. There is the oldest fridge I have ever seen, randomly sitting the corner. There is a hotplate on the floor. I stand there in disbelief before quickly exiting the "suite." Fuck you, Nanaimo.
music. billy talent II

Sunday, July 02, 2006
i can't help it that several boys are attracted to me... at once.

      Just a quick little blog to say that apparently I was going for the most number or hearts broken in one day record last night. Seriously, I suck at life. I really don't mean to hurt people, I just tend to not think about my actions. So to those who were/are mad at me, I'm sorry. I can't help it that several boys are attracted to me and I can't make up my mind. No, I'm just kidding. Maybe. Anyways, flies are committing suicide left, right, and center at my house, and I just dyed my hair. You'll probably have to see me to see what color it is.

      Also, Frazer and I looked at the apartment on Townsite today. It was okay, but apparently you have to get a landline to be able to buzz people in, which is lame and expensive. So the search goes on for a pet-friendly, basement suite. Also, the woman showing us around was very man-ish, and didn't know what wireless internet was. My shower was nice.
music. billy talent II (BUY IT!!)

Saturday, July 01, 2006
always take the blame for all your own insecurities

      Big news, big doins! I was calling people about suites today, and there weren't really any available, and I had a scary run-in (on the phone) with a strange dude with an accent who freaked right out when I asked about pets. Anyways, so I saw this ad for the Transglobe units on Townsite, and I talked to one of the reps, and he was great. Frazer and I have an appointment tomorrow at ten in the morning. Alyssa's coming along to give me some help with questions and stuff, so I'll tell you how that goes tomorrow. We might have a place soon! How exciting is that. I did mention that Frazer and I are moving out together, right? Hahaha, whee!

      Yesterday at work, some lady yelled at me, and like gave me another panic attack, or whatever it is, and so I freaked out and took another Adiven and went home. My doctors appointment is next Friday to find out if I have thyroid problems, which I most likely do. I also made a tattoo appointment for the eighteenth. In other news, the new Billy Talent CD, Billy Talent II rocks more than anything I have ever heard in my entire life. Buy it, listen to it, love it forever. I bought it for Loren for his birthday. Um sooo, oh yeah, Jordan's blog title just about made me fall of my seat laughing. Just cause it sounds so funny. Right, so now I need to buy towels and furniture-y stuff. Life is good but confusing.
music. perfect world - billy talent

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