Monday, December 19, 2005
time well wasted.... again

      I thought maybe today I was feeling better. Not so. I went to Chris' where we ate our celebratory pie and watched Resevoir Dogs. Then I went to work. Then I got a headache, my nose wouldn't stop running, and all of the sudden I couldn't hear out of my left ear. I still can't and it the pain is so intense it's making me physically sick. Nothing is making it go away. Agh, it hurts sooo badly.

so... sitting is fun.

      Recap. Chris and I went to a houseparty. There were lots of drunk highschool kids. Including Syd and Georgia but I love them. Chris jammed for a bit and then we left cause I was pretty sure I was dying. Then we probably hung out. What else is new. Um. Heh. Yesterday was the staff Christmas Party. We had a tarot card reader named Penny who gave everyone else these really cool precise fortune things, and mine was all blah blah you've been hurt by a boy in the past two years, but the new year is a whole new you, and you're going into a career with healing. (Crazy, eh?) And that "the boy" was going to reappear (as usual) and this time I was going to have to stand up for myself and tell him I don't want to play games anymore, and I don't want him back. There was a lot of bullshit too, but that was kinda... weird. I was like ahhh, I want to talk about my future, not my past! She also said I was going to marry a man in uniform, like a police officer or something. Dear God, no, then I can't do all the bad things I like to do. Although... he would have handcuffs.

      But yeah, we did a gift exchange and I got a big bag of caramel popcorn which spilled all over the back of my new car. And I got bandaids that look like bacon and a book about how to dress when you're dumping someone for whatever reason from Heebs, which I wanted very badly. Yeah, afterwards I went out with Chris, Mark, and Keith and we went to... Source Adult, but we didn't buy anything and I was sad. I have a lot of ideas for Christmas now though. Heh heh heh. Then I made the car alarm go off, and it was fun. We drove around in a parking lot for a long time because Keith forgot how to drive and turned into a robot. I decided we should go backwards. Then the most horrible cough kicked in, and I'm pretty sure my death is imminent now. I told Chris to wake me up in the morning. Pretty sure he didn't think I'd be up at nine, considering I went to bed at what? Two? Three? But yes, I got up at nine to do the following:

      Get dressed, drive to Shoppers, buy the sickest cold medicine I have ever had, come home, attempt to not throw up as I'm taking it, and drink copious amounts of chocolate milk, apple juice, and lots of cookies to remove the horrible taste from my mouth. Pretty sure I can still taste it. I'm still coughing. And I still have a sore throat. Thanks Benylin. You douche. I dunno if I can go back to bed. Pretty sure I sneezed all over the covers and I kept rolling onto this one wetish spot which was gross. Good times? Yeah. Good times. Maybe I'll call in sick to work if this medicine doesn't kick in. Chris. Come eat pie and watch movies with me.
music. in the zone (remix) - britney spears & madonna

Friday, December 16, 2005
so adrien brody... want some babies?

      So yesterday evening, Chris and I went and looked at and drooled over the soon to be, "Tasha's Paseo." Drooooool. Then we went and saw King Kong. An interesting movie we shall say. Definately interesting and quite disturbing at times. Adrien Brody made it all worth it though. Mmmm, so yumyum, the only reason why, "The Jacket," was any good as well. Oh god. Anyways, ok, so that was nice and Chris is awesome. Pretty sure he's smiling and saying, "stooop it," right now. Whiny bitch. Just kidding. Lessthanthree <3<3<3? Right.

      Today I... went to the bank and got a cheque for three thousand, which I shall be giving to Mike tomorrow in exchange for... MY NEW PASEO. Which is awesome beyond all others. Yes that's right. More excellent than the Tercels. Anyways, I'm pretty much rambling now. Jack Black was not meant for anything but comedy. Naomi Watts... was good as usual. Annnnd Adrien Brody. What can I say. Pretty sure I'm carrying his love child.

Thursday, December 15, 2005
i should really stop procrastinating...

      You know when you haven't written for so long that you don't feel like updating because there's way too much to catch up on. Alright, so I guess Chris got back on Monday and we probably hung out. And we probably hung out everyday since then. And Chris asked me out on the eighth :) Wheee, that weekend, MD played two shoes. One in Courtney which pretty much rocked, and then at Pleasent Valley Hall again. It was someone's birthday party and the cops were there and they only got to play one song. Yeah and the guy's bathroom was missing a wall. And some girl had a horrible nosebleed and Keith and I met a paramedic who totally overreacted. So Keith and I talked about that all night.

      Pretty sure I don't really remember doing anything specifically anymore. Umm, earlier this week, Chris took me to Duncan and we got the presents for my dad. Then us and Mark went to Victoria to meet Keith and go to Denny's. Kayley came too, and it was pretty much the worst food I've ever had. kayley and I got some pictures of us for the present for mom, annnd oh I had to drive Chris' car, and it was terrifying. Um so on the way home we stopped at zee liquer store and Keith and Mark bought Absolut. (which was horrible, but we'll get to that momentarily) So back at home, we... got really wasted. I had the rest of my porn star shots from the night before, and some damn vodka shots which were terrible. And basically everyone except for Chris got really drunk. Highlights: "Chris... call... 911," right before Keith passes out... in possibly his own vomit. Good times. Waking up with a bad hangover and having no idea where I am for a good few minutes. Yeah... wow, some others which shant be mentioned.

      So that was good times. Chris got his hair cut yesterday. It's cute no matter what anyone else says. Then he worked, and Laine and I visited him that night and we were out until 2am. Damn you Domino's. Uh yeah, then Chris tucked me in because he's the sweetest person I know. Ahh he's so awesome. Chris? You're the best. Um today, I am really sick and dying. I have a fever and the chills and my throat pretty much doesn't exist. I went in to work and got to go home. That was nice. So Chris brought me Timmies (soup!) which was nice of him. But ya know --he rocks so... yeah. Oh well I can fill you guys in on some other cool things.

      The ninth was Janelle's birthday Party. I met everyone at the bowling alley. Then we went to MGM and had food. Janelle and I had daquiris, and a martini called "the Andrea." It was terrible haha, sorry Andrea. You lovely thing, you. Janelle had a muff diver. That was interesting. Around eleven thirty, we all headed over to the Press Room. There I discovered my new favourite drink. The Porn Star. It's so damn good. It's blue curaceo and raspberry sourpuss shot inside 7up and cranberry juice. Andrea, I am forever in your debt. I can drink again without being sick. You rock. So basically we all danced... even when nobody else was dancing. Good times were had by most people I'm pretty sure. You guys are all dancing queens and I missed you all very much. Ah what a fun night. Chris picked me up around two and that was that.

      Now for some rather awesome news. Cars. I looked at so many, when finally I found the most awesome 1992 Paseo. It's blue with blue tinted rear windows and a Clarion stereo system, annnd it has 242k on it, and it's pretty much awesome. So we went to get it checked out and we found out that the clutch had to be repaired. We talked the guy down to $3200 from $3800, but my parents didn't feel it was worth it. I was very very sad. I wanted my beautiful Paseo. So last night, I ask my dad to call the guy and ask him to go down to $3000. He called him and offered the $3200 and said that him and mom were giving me the $200 and that I was getting my car. I am so pleased. I get it on Saturday, and then I'll get the cluth replaced sometime early next week. Eeeee, I'm so excited!

      To sum up my lovely week and a half: awesome new car, saw old friend and had a blast, discovered the Porn Star, and am dating the most wonderful guy I have ever known. <3

Sunday, December 04, 2005
monday is tomorrow!

      I was gonna name this post "bite to break skin," but I'm pretty sure I've used that name at least once before because it is an awesome song by senses fail. And the lead singer from said band is a total pervert. Umdiddles. So yesterday daddy and I did a bit of car shopping. I found a Honda CRX that was cool, but it had like 300,000k on it, so that was not gonna happen, and we looked at a Corolla that was all rusted out and gross.

      After that, Keith and I hung out and ate at Timmies with Josh. Then we went to Cyber City to visit Mark, and we played games and he... probably beat me at the driving game, but I outlasted him at the Simpson's game. It was awesome. Then we went back to Timmies and met Candace and Mike and went to Candace's house and watched Mad TV. Good times. And Keith kept tickling me so I pretty much wanted to beat him up but I was much too tired. Oh and Keith and I talked about... "things," that involve two of Keith's friends, and he was pretty cool with it. I was happy about that.

      At home, I cleaned my room until four in the morning so I could sleep through most of today because I don't like waiting for things. Unfortunately, I only slept until eleven and then dad and I went car shopping again. We looked at a gross '87 Celica, and a mouldy '91 Tercel. Good times? Not really. I'll find a car eventually... hopefully. Until then... people can pick me up and I'll bum rides like I used to. Right, basically I've stayed home since then cleaning my room. It's almost done, I just need to vacuum. Oh and I bought a My Chemical Romance and a Fallout Boy poster today. My room is so beautiful. Janelle's birthday is in... five days.

      Um, but yeah. Tomorrow is Monday. And I have the day off. And I am excited about that. Did I mention tomorrow is Monday? I'm home alone so I'm going back downstairs to dance to some music. Peace out kids!
music. Hawthorne Heights, Senses Fail, My Chemical Romance

Saturday, December 03, 2005
yay keith is in town!

      Alright, so two nights ago after my last post, Chris and I went to Timmies at like three thirty and we drove around until five. And I had to work at nine the next day. I'm a smart one. Yeah, so when I got home, someone had gotten up and locked the front door, and I hadn't been carrying my keys with me and my window was locked, so I had to open the horribly loud garage door and my dad woke up and yelled at me, and my mom left a message on my phone, and she said HELL! She said where the hell are you, and I got creeped out. Yep.

      Um, so the next morning, my mom had to drive me to work. On the way there, she randomly went off saying that she didn't like where my life was going. And I flipped out asking me what she wanted me to do. I am the happiest I've been in years, I love my job, it's impossible for me to go to school right now, and I'm working full time. Like, what the hell am I supposed to do? Why is my life bad? Argh, then she's like, "I don't want to get into it," and I was still really mad and she told me I had to put up the Christmas tree by myself (as usual). And I got really mad and freaked out cause last year I had to put up the tree by myself and everyone in my family kept going on about how ugly it was and why do I bother etc. I frickin' hate Christmas at times.

      Um alright, so after work, Chris picked me up and everyone at work met him... which they probably liked since I may have been talking about him a..."bit." Ummm, right so we went out and got a few things and went to Chris' house and waited for his band, who eventually showed up. They barely fit all their equiptment into the van, and we were off to Chemanius with Chris' crazy driving. I was sleepy from being out everynight... hehehe :) So I slept in the car a bit. So it was at the old Chemainus Fire Hall, Magog's Deception was playing last. Soo I listened to the Perfect Trend and I thought they were awesome... and a band from Vernon that was reallllly good. Dashes of Red I think they were called. Alex and Kayley and Bree and I went and got the worst hot chocolate ever from Subway. It was excellent because they had HAZEULNUT CREAMERS!! Then we sold teeshirts and pins for the guys.

      I love Alex and Kayley. Especially Kayley. We sing and dance and rock. She is one of my new favourite people. But ahhh, then MD played and they were awesome, and Chris is awesome, annnnd yeah. No further commentary needed. Hehehe, what a good time. So then they took everything down and we drove back to Chris', where I attemped to sleep on the couch and everyone sat on me, and Jesse drew a mustache on me, and then we all went home. Now all the bands from last night are going on TOUR DE FORCE to Van and... I don't remember where else. They will be back Monday and I am eagerly looking forward to that day. Ahh, actually I'm dying and it's much to far away. Don't laugh at me, I know how pathetic I'm being. I prefer to call it, "cute."

Friday, December 02, 2005
remember to breathe and everything will be ok...

She fixes her lips,
They always look perfect.
Never a smudge line,
never too much.

I try on my blue shirt,
she told me she liked it...once.
She wonders what I'll wear.
She knows just what she'll wear.
She always wears blue.

So sneakers or flip-flops?
I'm starting to panic, wait wait
Remember she asked you,
remember to breathe.
And everything will be okay.


      Feeling pretty emo right now. But maybe not cause I'm not sad. This song makes me content, and it's wonderful. It makes me smile and mouth the words. Crap. This song is so awesome. I feel really emo right now, so nobody make fun of me. It's this kind of song that just makes you glad to be alive. The kind of music that just makes you feel something really really good inside. And Chris just sent me something and it was amazing and I'm really happy and content among other things and damn, I just love my life right now and I've got that crazy feeling that you get when you... nevermind ;) Wow, I'm almost crying cause I feel so good. Crazy. Pretty sure this one of my new favourite songs. I feel soooo good.
music. remember to breathe - dashboard confessional

Thursday, December 01, 2005
where are all the homeless people?

      Ok, so last night, Chris and I were hungry so we went to Wendy's and got some food at midnight and then drove down to Departure Bay and ate it there and chatted. We had an extra hot chocolate, so we decided to find a homeless person and give it to them. We saw a couple of prostitutes and Chris even knew who one of them was! But we didn't find any homeless people and the hot chocolate went to waste. Then we went to a park I'd always wanted to go to with huge scary slides built into the ground. Chris went down them but I was too scared cause there was still snow everywhere and I almost died going down the stairs anyways. But at least I've BEEN to that park now. Seriously, I saw it once when I was like nine and always wanted to go. Ten years later, my quest is complete.

      So, we drove around until like 2:30 this morning, and Chris scared me with his driving... and yeah, I was scared. Emmm, went to bed and slept right through my alarm. Mother and I were supposed to go car shopping this morning, but I instead awoke to my cell phone ringing and it was Heebs from work wondering where I was. This was at one in the afternoon hehehhe :) So hustled down there, and I still look like crap, but whatever, AND I forgot my wallet so I'm hungry still. I want Timmies but I don't have any way to get there other than walk, and I don't really feel like doing that. And I guess I'm going to have to walk everywhere now. This is so lame. I don't want to walk to work. I don't like being wet and cold. Blah blah blah I'm hungry and filled with antici... pation.

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