Wednesday, August 31, 2005
and that's it for august

      Talked to Phillip last night. Sorted things out, got through the bullshit that is forever surrounding us. I have come to the conclusion that our "friends" can not stand us being friends anymore than us dating. So... they basically try to sabotage that whenever possible. I've also learned that you can't really trust girls who have a crush on your ex. They will throw themselves at him and really disregard whatever there was left of a friendship. All in all, I'm more than ready to move on from those relationships because it's nothing short of aggrevating. I have other friends who hopefully will not turn on me when it serves them best.

      In other news. Bought some excellent underwear that says "B" on it hahaha. They're quite awesome. I think I'm coming down with something. One side of my throat is horribly swollen and painful. It hurts to swallow and breathing is only really happening through the unswollen half. So eating is a no-no. Swollen as in there's this huge hard lump on one side of my throat. I think I shall call in sick for tomorrow and go to the doctor. Also, after work, this random dude (from work) asked me for a ride home. He was weird and exaggerated EVERYTHING. But he was funny and didn't try to kill me, so he makes the grade. Everyone be proud of me, I'm doing the speed limit like fifty percent of the time now!

music. wake me up when september ends - greenday