Tuesday, June 28, 2005

      Ok, I am so mad at Phil right now. He's gonna be all pissed off that I'm writing about him, but he's no one special so I don't really give a shit at the moment. ICBC wants to give me like $3500 for the car. Why not $4000? Oh! Because there's a HUGE dent in the roof of the car from when Phil jumped on it. He did it once and I told him not to do it again, but a while later he does it again and the dent doesn't come out. Joy. I called him cause I was ragin, and he says it's not my fault, and how was he supposed to know I was gonna crash my car! Fuckin' moron... if you break something that belongs to someone, you replace it or pay for it. Then he starts going on about how I never take responsibility for things and I always blame him. And I'm like... uh Phil, you're the one who did it?

      Anyways, that's it for now I guess. I'm talking to B-rad and Janelle on MSN and generally being pretty bored, putting off doing my reading. This woman keeps asking me to come to her youthgroup, but she doesn't seem to understand the word, "no." Well, that's all the rage I've got in me right now. Actually, I doubt it, but I don't have the time. The left side of my brand new Sony headphones isn't working anymore. That is annoying. B-rad went to the bar... I am so bored.
music. sour girl - stone temple pilots


      Hey ya'll, went to Nanaimo this weekend, that was ok. I ran into Alyssa, but didn't get to visit too many people other than Phil and Janelle. Dad and I went car shopping but we couldn't find anything. I was kinda leaning towards a Honda Civic sedan, but we couldn't find one. Dad took me out to Montana's for dinner on Saturday, and I did some shopping. Bought the Stone Temple Pilots Greatest Hits and Velvet Revolver... oh and the new Nine Inch Nails album. Everyone should listen to "Everyday is exactly the same," or something like that. I was trying to catch the ferry on Sunday evening, but the cars were lined up back into town, so I caught one like two hours later.

      Yesterday in class, we had a different instructor who really sucked. I'm doing a lot better today, I'm about to get through scenarios without too many mistakes. Derek is so cool, he's really encouraging without making you feel like a complete idiot. The people I'm working with today are awesome. Jason's really good at it already cause he's a firefighter, so he helps me a lot, and Kevin is sooo funny, so he makes things go a lot easier. He also really wants to learn, so that's helpful. Yesterday my group just fooled around and I didn't really learn much.

      So yesterday after school I went shopping at Metrotown. It was awesome! I think I spent like three hours there! I bought some army green pants, some brown pants, a shirt that says, "save a horse, ride a cowboy," and an awesome brown zip-up hoodie from Bootlegger. I'm feelin' pretty good. Oh can someone please find the accoustic verson of "where is my mind," by the Pixies and e-mail it to me? Thanks! Anyways at home, I found a nearby internet cafe which was SO loud cause there were like fifty asian dudes playing video games on max volume. So I "chilled" to the sounds of NIN... even though I can't chill to NIN, it's my anger music. Mostly. Ummm yea so I saw a skunk yesterday evening! It was staring at me, so I crossed to the other side of the street! I didn't wanna get skunked...

      Best news! My parents found me a new car! It's one year older than my old one, but it's in way better condition. There are no differences between the '92 and the '93 Tercel, and this one is in perfect shape, and only have 112K on it for $5000! Whereas mine was a '93, cost $6000 and had 179K or something I believe. So my parents are taking it to a mechanic today to have it looked at. And hopefully I will have a new car. It's a 5 speed, so I'm going have to learn to drive again hahaha :) But yea, it's burgandy, which is the worst color, but hey I only have to pay about $1000 on top of what ICBC gives me, so that's rockin. I can always get it painted black later anyways. Mike said he would install my deck and speakers for me, so everything is lookin' might good.

      One last thing. In class just a couple minutes ago, Derek got out the Entonox and we all got might high on it! It was great. The "purpose" was to show us when someone was narc'in out on it, but yea... I have pictures, and it was awesome. Eric passed out for a bit and I got mighty tired. Craig kept stealing the mask from everyone, and Elizabeth decided that this was the biggest "bong" circle she'd ever been in. Craig got mad cause he said it was taking too long to get back to him. Derek fell over and sounded like he'd been sucking helium. It was friggin' hilarious. Anyways, I'm gonna go grab some lunch-eo from the caf. Write me, biatches!
music. nothing hurts like love - daniel bedingfield

Friday, June 24, 2005
don't let them scare you.

      Helluh. Pretty bored. Just ate lunch and I'm now finishing up my break in the library. Brad and I were hangin' out and talkin' today. He's the Scott Weiland dude. He says he wants to take me clubbing and to get my tattoo haha. He's pretty cool. I'm not sure if he's gay or not. Hmmm... I wouldnt be suprised, I mean he is pretty sexay. Pretty tired. We're doing AED's today. It's getting really frustrating being one of the few people struggling with order of steps in primary and secondary assessments. So hopefully I'll get it over the weekend. I didn't bring my MP3 player with me today. I am so sad! Anyways... yes. I will get back to class now. Ta!
devil in jersey city - coheed and cambria

Thursday, June 23, 2005
well... that was eventful.

      Heyy, few crazy things have happened since Tuesday... mainly my room in Nanaimo flooding and me getting into a car accident. Let me elaborate? I was going to see Nathan after school on Tuesday. I was driving the Mission - Abbotsford brige in the pouring rain and I was coming around a corner. My car decided to lock up and hydroplane accross into the left lane and smash into the left barrier and then continue to drag the left side of the car along it. Then when I finally pulled to the right (and had completely overcorrected) I went accross the lanes again and into the right barrier and stopped. Fortunately there were no cars in sight when it happened. Plus I found out the they had just installed the barrier between the oncoming lanes less than a month before... so I could have like killed someone had it not been there. That was pretty sweet to find out. But yea, I was stuck on the bride for about ten minutes before I finally got the steering wheel to turn the wheels left again and drag (yea, the car DRAGGED) the car off the bridge, onto the shoulder. I called Nathan to tell him I would be late haha, he said he would come and pick me up. Then I called my mom and told her what happened and she gave me ICBC numbers and whatnot. Then I called Phil cause I... always call Phil and tell him big stuff?

      Anyways, I'm just sitting on the side of the road, Nathan and his grandpa came and got me and drove me back to Nathan's parent's house in Mission. God, it was so good to see Nathan, I just wanted to be all over him. Anyways Robin (Nathan's dad) helped me get the car towed and then later on he and Nathan took me back to NewWest. Nathan and I wrote a letter back and forth in the car, with me trying to explain how I could still love him, cause he doesn't know why I still do after the way he treated me. He said he was scared to be with me because I burned him so badly last December. He left for camp this morning. I don't really know what to think about him. I'm gonna miss him so much. But I've had enough waiting for him. It's time to take what I want. I'm nineteen. In a few months, maybe I'll move to Abby or Mission or somewhere nearby, get a job, and just be able to spend time with the person I love. A lot of people take that for granted. I've learned not to take time with the person you love for granted because you don't know when you're going to lose them. Anyways I've got time because he's gone for over two months to camp. Maybe I'll visit him one weekend in my sweet rental car! It's a small grey Huyndai Accent. My car is either gonna get scrapped or fixed. I dunno when or anything but whatever. Uh library is shutting down in ten so I gotta be quick.

      Might be coming home this weekend. If I do, I wanna get my Ender tattoo. Anyone wanna come with? Yea, but back to my flooded room. The hot water tank burst earlier this week and totally soaked my carpets... so I no longer have carpets or any dry... anything haha, that sucks. It's been a good week. A little sarcasm there. Anyways.. plans are going to Kelowna before I leave school to see Nathan at camp, sending out some JI postcards... Adeline wants me to go to some seminar all weekend. Yea, I don't think so. I have like ten chapters, more actually, to study tonight, so I don't think so. Anyways, the woman in the library is going crazy cause I'm still here with ten minutes to go. Hahaha, alright, well I'll see some of you this weekend, gimme a call. See you all later. I get to go on a ride-along next week! Yayyy!
music. last train home - lost prophets

Monday, June 20, 2005
i almost forgot...

      Oh man, I almost forgot! There are so many police officers in training around here, and they all wear a full uniform! I flinch everytime I see one. It's so crazy cause if they look at you, you're all like, "oh man, what did I do wrong, I'm gonna be arrested!" It's quite funny. I suppose I'll get used to it. If any females are looking for a good read, I reccomend "The Time Traveller's Wife," by Audrey Niffenegger. It is so bizzare and excellent! Write me, e-mail me! Call me after six or on the weekends! New cellphone by the way, it's pretty spiffin! 816-1104. It might be long distance, not sure! My hands are killing me! Later all...

big news finally

      Hey everyone! I just finished my first day at the JI (Justice Institute) and it was awesome! For those of you that don't know, Janelle and I went out on Thursday before I left, Janelle got a sweet tattoo on her back that says "Let it be," and I got my labret pierced with a titanium stud! It looks great, but right now it's a little sore. I hope it doesn't get infected! I left on Saturday afternoon and got to the apartment I'm staying at. I had a bit of a time finding it and getting in, but all was well eventually and now I'm good and settled in. I met Hennisea yesterday finally, she's blonde and not at all what I expected. I sleep in the living room on a foamy, which is way more comfortable than my bed! On Saturday night, I drove to Mission, which is about an hour away, and got directions to the church from Ryder who is Saskia and Nathan's little brother.

      I've gotten lost several times already, sometimes for an entire hour I'm trying to figure out where I am! What else? Yesterday I went to church in Mission and saw all my friends from quizzing! It was great, the VanRoekel family talked about thier time in Africa and it was very moving hearing about the children there. Sorry if my spelling on anything is crazy. I'm using a Chinese keyboard, so I keep getting a little confused! Nathan was at church, we were both very suprised to see each other. After church, Mrs. Wishart invited me over to thier house for lunch. Nathan's grandmother came up to me and started freaking out, saying that it was very "suspicious" how I show up right now, and how I should leave and never see or speak to Nathan. It was really creepy! I've never even met her before and she just went off on me. She actually pulled me outside and gave me this talk! Afterwards I was crying cause I felt so horrible, Mr. and Mrs. Wishart came downstairs and apologized to me, made sure I was staying for lunch, and saying it was them who invited me and they wanted me to stay. Then apparently, several of them freaked out at crazy grandma.

      Lunch was really good. We played video games after with Nathan's three brothers, then we went out the the waterpark and ran around and got soaked. Then we lay around in the grass and dried off. He played with my hair and I gave him a head massage... and uh then he pulled me down and kissed me. I haven't told Phil yet. I want to tell him myself though. I should call him. I tried to tell him on the phone yesterday, but he had a dream about it and I just couldn't say anything after he told me that. Um. Yea. I didn't mean for it to happen. I don't even know if I'm glad that it did. We went over to another park in the shade and just talked for a bit and kissed. Uh, after that we went back to his house to say goodbye, and I drove him back to Abby, he showed me a ropeswing and I drove him to work. That was Sunday afternoon. Then Phil called my cell and I just didn't know what to say. Um, I've talked to Phil a few times since then. I should tell him soon. I don't want him to read this first.

      Alright, well my first day at school was great! My instructor, Derek, is really funny and is just totally awesome. My classmates are mostly a bit older than me, probably early twenties. One guy is my age, Chris. He's cool. A few people are probably like forty. Today we checked out the EMR gear, talked about proffessionalism and whatnot. I'm one of the more talkative ones so I'm sure everyone will know me by the end. I sit with Chris, Deb, and Gabe, and they're all really cool. One guys has this awesome star tattoo on his neck which I absolutely love! Tomorrow in class, we're doing lifting, which should be interesting. Derek has so many interesting stories. He's a paramedic and a fireman in Abbotsford. He's really honest and besides teaching us the textbook, he really teaches us what it really like "out there." Highlights so far in class: "bondage," "nipple flicking," (not sure if that was an accident or not) Oh not on me hahaha, between Derek and a hilarious dude named Lawrence. Derek: "No swearing?! Shit!" He's so funny. We have little quizzes at the end of every day. I got 100% on mine today! Anyways, the library closes in half and I think I'm done here. I'll try to write more as it happens. Tomorrow we're checking out an ambulance! I miss you all lots and I hope you can manage to have a good time without me!
music: them bones - alice in chains.

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