Sunday, May 29, 2005
forgot one thing...

      Alright, I forgot one thing from work yesterday. When Roger was leaving, he came up to me and said, if your school course doesn't work out, come talk to me and we'll see what we can do about you working here. I was like what the hell. This guy was so pissed off at me that he said he would fire me the first chance he got and forced me to resign... then he's like asking me to stay and come back when I'm done school? What the hell. Screw you Shoppers, this is the exact kind of exit I always wanted to make.

crazy shiznat

      Well then. I suppose I should update since some crazy shizzy has happened lately. We'll start with my birthday which was on the fifteenth for all you fuckers who forgot... yea, there were a lot of you damnit. Went to church with Phil in the morning, then he took me shopping. I got a the Used poster, some earrings and a few other things. Then I finished cleaning the house, picked Janelle up from work, picked up some pop and chips and went back home. Few people showed and I went on a liquer run... I didn't even get ID'd! Woohoo! Came back, party was getting into full swing, so I dressed up, got sexy and partied it up. I got lots of pictures... you can find them at: They are grand. So there was much dancing. Much Geoff getting pissed and puking in my kitchen. Lots of making out... sometimes between the same sex. I won't get into that though. Cigars, booze, dancing, and eventually talking, movie watching, and me deciding that since most of the people were gone, I could now get drunk. Drunkeness occured with my femme-bots, and those would be the pictures of me no longer looking quite so sexy. Lots of falling off chairs, breaking chairs, cup-penises, bum smacking, fireplace humping. The usual. Dan apparently came by and left a gift for me with Tim. It was a card and chocolates. Nice and thoughtful. Thanks Dan if you're reading this. Phil wanted to kick his ass, but Phil said and did a lot of fucked up and dumb shit that night, so that was the least of my worries. I eventually crawled into bed after participating in the group molestation of Erin and then running into the street to tell him I wanted to have his babies? I don't remember this too well, I'm just going by what people have told me. Then I ran home and hid so Phil wouldn't kill me... or something. Don't remember. So bedtime. People found places to sleep. In my parents room, Kayley's room... freaky shit man!

      Woke up the next morning with a mild hangover. Janelle and Crysta made everyone breakfast and I drove to Save-On to buy some chocolate milk. People left around noon, and I went to work at 3:45 to midnight. I slacked off and I was working with Candace and Candace didn't get some of her stuff done. Next day... at work, my left arm went numb up to my elbow, then my vision got really blurry and I got a headache that was pretty intense, so Roger drove me home. The day after that at work, Roger and Sandra came in specifically to talk to me. They were accusing me of always being lazy and never doing any work. Roger said that he was "just being nice" when he was going to let me come home on weekends while I was at school to work, and now I would have to choose between work and school. Then he got all pissy cause I was trying to keep a straight face, so he kept yelling and asking "do you even want this job!?" It was... lame. So when I got out of the meeting I was shaking, and I got my resignation letter out of my locker and gave it to him. Oh, and then he came up to me and was like, "go home right now," and I was like what? And he said Oh, I thought you wanted to leave May 17, not June. Hahaha, stupid biatch!

      Um, So I avoided work like the plague after that. I went to Victoria for the day the Saturday after, and saw my Grandparents. Nana helped me with the photo album I'm making for mom, and then they took me out for dinner at Montana's. Thankfully the server forgot it was my birthday dinner, so I didn't have to wear the moose antlers. Uhhh, since then I have done lots of shopping with Janelle. I've been to Westwood to tan and swim lots. I went to Swylana with Janelle, Crysta, Phil, Chelsea, Alex, etc. We played on the playground and Janelle, Crysta and I went for a walk. Phil freaked out cause he didn't know where I was... which was retareded. Then we went to Timmy's and then home. That was yesterday.

      Today I went to Stock Exchangers to see Janelle and Crysta and their mommy (whom I love dearly) and I bought a hotdog... no wait, it was free. I chilled there for a bit until Phil was done work, then I went to get him so we could go to the beach. Picked him up, went back to see Janelle and get pop, then headed to Westwood. I got in the water and Phil was taking a long time, so I came up to him, and he said not to splash him, so I was goofing off and of course, I splashed him, and he completely freaked out, started swearing at me, and pushed and held me under the water. I had no air whatsoever in my lungs, and I thought I was going to pass out. I had the worst asthma attack after. He finally let me go, and like all these people and kids in the water and on the beach were looking at us. I grabbed my things and got in my car and drove away. I could barely breathe still. I went back to see Janelle and Crysta cause there was nowhere else to go, plus I know I can talk to them. So I told them what happened. Eventually Phil walked by on his way home and asked if he could talk to me, but Barb told him to keep walking. So I stayed with them until they closed. "Are those handles?" Oh man Janelle, I can see why you like Kevin. Good times were had, and I forgot all about my troubles. Janelle's coworkers are hilarious and I generally got burned quite a bit about everything. Plus I actually burned my back :( After we closed, Janelle and I went back to her house for a quick dip in the pool, then I left to go home and get ready for work.

      Course, Phil is there when I get home, sitting on my front doorstep. I ignored him and went inside, locked myself in. He kept knocking on the door, so I called Janelle. Barb offered to pick me up for work, but I thought I would be fine so I said no. I finally went outside and Phil tried to stop me from moving anywhere or getting into my car. He asked me if we were over, and I said yes, and he started crying and asking if he hurt me and shit. Finally after threatening to phone the fucking cops, Phil get's out of my way, his stuff goes out the window of my car, and I got to work, ten minutes late, in tears, becuase... I don't know. He got so angry over me splashing him that he held me under water. I have asthma... I swallowed so much water, I thought I was going to be sick. So Michelle and Candace let me sit around for a while, and eventually, my mood picked up and the night went by quickly. I was really cheerful for some reason. It was weird. I fucking get the cream of the crop don't I? Why can't things just work out between me and Nathan. I need a gentel, laid back guy. Nathan is that guy. He's the one for me. If I can think of anything else that happened, I'll let you know, but for now, this is enough writing for one night.
music. archetype - fear factory

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

      Hellloooo, I was at work today from eight until midnight. Erin M. and I were discussing how much we hated the job. Her last day is Saturday, anyways she asked me again what I thought about coming to work for her! So she actually means it! She said that as soon as I get back from school, I should come see her, and she'd get me a job. Soo here's what I'm thinking. I'll "tender" my res. right when I leave for school! Hahaha, it'll be so awesome. I won't have to work at all. I should be able to get a good referance from Michelle and probably a bunch of other people. Plus I'm working for Erin, and she said she'll be my ref haha. So then I can get my labret peirced for sure cause I won't have shoppers to worry about! Woo freakin hoo!

      Cleaned the house today... well started anyways. In the kitchen... still not done in there. Hopefully I shall be able to hang out with Janelle tomorrow. It's my day off. I'll do some more cleaning, and then if it's nice, maybe we can go to the beach. Less than a week until my party and the invites are still going out. Alyssa and Tim came into the store today and we chatted for like half an hour. Pretty sexcellent. Alyssa wants to go surfing on Sat, so I should see if I can get the day off. I also need to get Monday off cause I don't feel like working at nine am the day after my party.
music. listening - the used

Sunday, May 08, 2005
stabbings and whatnot... the usual.

      Alrighty, so yesterday I was at work at eight in the morning and I was deathly tired from working until midnight the night before. I was goin on three hours of sleep. Soo... I wasn't really goin anywhere. Right, so then Roger walks up to me and asks me to work tomorrow (today) until midnight. As usual, when he asks me in person, I can't come up with an excuse except that well... it's my first day off in like a week, and I've already worked four midnights. To which he replied that since I was getting two weeks off to go to school and blah blah, I should probably work it. So, with nothing else to say, I said sure, and burst into tears because I was so tired and just wanted to go to bed.

      I finally got the guts to go and ask him if anyone else could work it and he said that I was the last resort. (Yea right, I was the first person he asked) So then I burst into tears again and got very depressed and cried in my car. It was all pretty pathetic, but I felt better afterwards. Amanda quit yesterday cause Roger was being an ass to her, so she just quit on the spot. Candace, Tanya, and I are all going away the same week, so that leaves two people in the photolab haha, one of them is new too. That's awesome. Screw you, Shoppers Drug Mart!

      After work, I went shopping with Janelle and it was excellent. I bought some sweet sunglasses and they are awesome. Then Janelle renewed her L. Uhhh, then we got Crysta and went back to the mall. Crysta made me buy orange thongs and a cowboy hat. (Which I must say is excellent, good choice, Crysta!) Oh and I bought an orange bathing suit which is also excellent. A lot of things were excellent yesterday. We had pizza for lunch/dinner, and then I dropped them off, went home, and sent out my birthday e-mail... hopefully lots of people will cometh! Soon after, I picked up Phil from work. He didn't like my hat and I was sad. I dropped him off at home, and went to get Janelle and Crysta to go to the fair. We bought tickets for three rides and I bought lots of mini doughnuts, but everyone else stole them from me! Thieves! Then Phil, Andrew, and Krista showed up. Phil was, as usual now, completely fried. That was like the third day in a row. It's rather disgusting and a real turn off I find. It's really very unattractive. But yea, Krista was being a bitch so I told her that, then the three of us went back to the rides. I got really sick after like... every single one so I gave up my last ticked to... I don't remember, I was too sick by then. Plus I was so tired, I thought I was going to pass out on the bench. Then some Dover kid got stabbed or something with a machete, so we left and I drove everyone home.

      On to today. Watched some X-Files, ate some something. Don't remember what. E-mailed Kayley in Aus. Went to work at three fourty-five. Worked with Tanya and Erin and it was pretty fun and went by fairly quickly. Um Roger must have felt really bad about making me come into work, and I must have looked REALLY tired cause he gave me -free optimum points- hahaha. An apology without saying "I'm sorry." That's how it always works at Shoppers. But yea, Phil called while I was there and was stoned... again. So I got really frickin' annoyed, especially cause he said he was gonna cut back, but I'm starting to think that's not good enough for me. Let's just say I'm not looking for that in a guy and leave it at that. So I got pissed off and left abruptly to go on my break. Few hours later, here I am at home, going to bed soon. Tired as hell.
music. dirty girl - minor threat

Thursday, May 05, 2005
stay with me

      The past couple nights, I've had these very realistic dreams. The main thing that happens is weird, but then I do all these normal things. Like I go put in my contacts, the dream is in my room with all my furniture, I can't find my car keys, that kind of thing. But they are so real to me that I wake up with the same feelings.

      Two nights ago, I had a dream about Phil doing something that really ticked me off. When I woke up, I was so angry that I didn't answer the phone all day. Last night I had a dream about him being at my house with his girlfriend, and he just completely ignored me. When I woke up, I started crying and didn't want to get out of bed.
music. i caught fire - the used

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
never caught my breath, every second i'm without you, i'm a mess.

      Yesterday was the first full day that my parents were gone for the rest of the month. Hung out with Phil, and got invited to his house for dinner, which although it was very good, Phil, John, and his mom got into this huge argument, and Kim and I were just sitting there, me shrinking into my seat while everyone yelled at me and kept asking what I thought. Oh man, so I just went upstaires and called Janelle to see what they wanted to do. Andrea, Crysta, Phil, Janelle, and I ended up going ten pin bowling which was awesome! I got second! Woohoo! But Phil beat everyone. Andrew was there for a while, but he had to go elsewhere. He and Phil were talking about finishing the stairs for my parents while they're gone, so that'd be cool.

      After bowling, the rest of the girls got ice cream, and then we went to my house to watch Old School. Everyone decided to discuss some thing that I think were inappropriate under the circumstances and I got really uncomfertable and turned up the volume. But then Janelle actually said something that I think was horrible and Phil got upset and went upstaires, with Janelle following. I guess they'll never learn. So I continued to watch Old School with Crysta and Andrea, and it was awesome! Very very funny! Around twelve everyone went home and I went to be around two. This morning, I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, it was really confusing, but awesome. I'll get it eventually, but I would reccomend it to everyone who likes mind benders haha. Bought The Used CD yesterday, it's awesome. Anyways, it's hard to write when you're wearing nails, and I have to get ready for work anyways.
music. all that i've got - the used

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