Monday, June 14, 2004
the longest entry ever

      Heyho... What's new here? Well, School's out on Wednesday. It's Monday today. I'm working a lot more now, sometimes four days a week. I think I have A's in all my classes or at least close to that; I just finished my final project in this stupid class. (Info tech) And I did that project in Civ that was worth 30%. I dunno what mark I got on that yet though. Uhh, English is up in the air right now, I guess I should hand in some work and study up for my provincial on the 22nd.

      I registered to vote today at lunch. I was even allowed to use my expired drivers license! Yea, did I mention that? My L expired hehehe, but it's ok cause I'm gonna go renew it this week and I don't have to wait the whole year to go for my N again. I'll probably go for that again in a month or two. Righto, so I'm voting; I'm not 100% sure which party yet, but I've definatly narrowed it down.

      I got a car yesterday! It's teal/green '93 Tercel; it's the one I wanted from that big sale on at Woodgrove. 119k I think, and a nice bonus... CD player and a pretty nice system :) Happy! Yea it was going for $8,000, but I think we got it for $6+tax. So, that's nice, even though I can't drive right now! Soon enough, then I'm going to drive my car! We gave the van away to someone from the church who didn't have a vehicle, and my parents' new '05 silver Corolla comes in either this week or next week. So yay! Two cars! No van!

      It's Jordon's birthday today. My 6'7 chum is 17 today! Yay Jordon! He forgot my birthday, but I sent him a little e-mail at 2am this morning, so I'm a better person, eh Jordon? ;) Hahaha, what else.

      Nathan goes to camp for the summer on the 16th... that's in two days. He said he would buy a calling card or write me a few letters, so that'll be nice. I'll miss him for sure. I'm going to camp for sure now too! I'm going to be a cabin leader at Teen Co-ed2 on August 21-28 I think! I'm SO excited! I can't wait! Candace and I are hoping to lead together so we would have the craziest cabin ever! That would be so cool!

      I was at Dan's house last night and he got so annoyed cause we didn't really have time to do anything cause we both worked yesterday, then I was at home, trying out the new car, hehehe, and hoping I could get my prom pictures actually developed for my photo album (they're on disk) and get some paint for my room and the bathroom. ANYWAYS, so Dan just got really annoying and was saying how I made him miserable and all... and I am actually starting to wonder if I do sometimes make him miserable; he says it so often. Alright, well he knew I was frustrated by all that when he drove me home so he apologized (on MSN, where else?) and took me to Pita Pit (cause I was starving) This is all happening at like 1-2am! Haha, except I got onions on my pita and it was hot.

      I WAS talking to Matty(windels) last night, and he said he would be around when I got back in, but he wasn't. Smutface! Hehehe, JK Matty ;) Oh! Dan got me some wake-up pills. (I have to pay him back) I was so tempted to take another this morning, but I decided against it since my mom thinks I'll get addicted hahaha :)

      It's Karina's wedding on Saturday! She's so excited! Haha, Karina married is going to be... weird, but in a good way. So I'm going to the wedding and the reception. I don't know how long that will go, but then I'm hoping I can drop by the goodbye dinner for Rich at Montanna's. He's moving to Kelowna, so the whole staff at Shoppers is getting together for that.

      Hmm, I got paid last Friday, and I already spent it all ;) I owed Dan $60 for the memory card for my MP3 player... then I bought a call half pleated skirt, some floods, and a black tanktop. (all from Thrifteys) And I got some black skate/runners from Wal-Mart! (Yay Sugis!) Hahaha, yea so those are gonna be good for camp. I still have to get a bathing suit... maybe some more tees, and hopefully another pair of capris or something.

      Wow, so I guess I have a lot to say today. I'm getting a door for my room finally! It's uh to keep people and animals out of my room. I will be SO glad to get it. That will put an end to a lot of junk. I really should clean my room and do laundry today. It is sooo messy in there right now. I should also call Nathan before he goes off to camp; I think I said I would a while ago. But yea, I need an addy to write to him hahaha. Man, I CAN'T WAIT until graduation! That's on the 30th of this month. Then I have drygrad that night. Candace is gonna be there, so that'll be cool. We're gonna sumo! Right, so then it's really really summer and I never have to go back to school ever again! Yayy!

      I guess I'll figure out what I'm going to do with my life as I go along. Someone told me just to start school even if I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was like.... noo, I don't want to be nowhere and $40 grand in debt. I would rather just spend all that money travelling! I should really plan a trip... but I'm not sure where I want to go now. Even if it's just a road trip accross Canada or something, or the US, I really wouldn't mind doing something like that again. Europe would come later. I do wanna see NY again though, that was pretty cool.

      Anyways, I guess I should go, bell's gonna ring soon and then I gotta go to English, which I haven't been to in 3 days and haven't done any homework in for weeks (maybe months even) Yea yea, so I can't complain if I don't get my A. Well, I don't think I'll need to write in this thing for a while now ;)

music. don't waste your time on me, you're already a voice inside my head.
i miss you, i miss you.